As nature wakes up, we quickly become surrounded by lots of inspiration to make arts and crafts. From beautiful Spring flowers to baby animals being born, you can explore this season every time you get out into the Great Outdoors. Plant seeds in the garden or on your kitchen windowsill; Look at the beautiful trees blossoming in your local park; Head out for a walk in the hills to be greeted by lambs, calves and birds. Once you've explored the outdoors, you'll be full of inspiration to make some beautiful Spring art work.
Spring time observational art work
Take photos when you are out on adventures to look at. Sit in front of some Daffodils and Tulips, or underneath a tree in blossom. Visit some baby animals. Talk about what your child can see and encourage them to think about their senses when describing what they are inspired by.
Think about the art materials that you could use to re-create the colours; Vibrant yellow, orange and green oil pastels could be used to draw daffodils. Use pencils to add shading too.
Think about the art materials that you could use to re-create the textures; Cotton wool could be used to create a lamb's soft woolly coat.
Think about the art materials that you could use to re-create shapes; Air dry clay and lolly-pop sticks are great materials to sculpt into shapes such as animals and trees.
Hand and Foot print baby animals
We recommend using a sponge brush to paint your child's hand or foot so that you will be able to see the fine details of their print. Dab a fine layer of paint onto their hand or foot so that you don't see brush strokes. Too much paint can cause their hand or foot to slip a bit and this will mean that the print isn't as clear. You can paint one colour to create your print and then once it has dried you can paint features onto the print to make it resemble your chosen animal. Felt tips can also be used to add finer details too. You can also cut out shapes or stick other materials onto the print, such as yellow feathers to make a yellow handprint chicken. If your child is likely to let you, or can paint their own hand or foot, you can paint different sections of the hand or foot to create a more detailed print, such as white with black patches to create a cow print.
Spring time tree collage
Draw, paint or print out a tree trunk and branches. Another idea is to create a print of your child's forearm and hand to represent the trunk and branches. Simply paint the skin, press down onto your paper, and lift. Baby wipes will come in handy!
Create your leaves and blossom to decorate the bare branches:
- Dip your fingers into paints to make finger print blossoms.
- Tear-up and scrunch tissue paper into little balls that you can glue onto your branches.
- Use a foam flower stamper and paints.
- Use a flower shaped paper punch to punch out flowers from coloured papers to stick onto your branches.
- Tear or cut shapes out of old magazines, paper and cardboard recycling.
- Use a variety of craft items to stick onto the collage, such as: pipe-cleaners bent into petal shapes, wooden beads and stickers.
For more free Spring time arts and crafts ideas, and printables, simply sign up to receive our monthly newsletter. Our monthly newsletter is full of ideas and inspiration for arts, crafts and outdoor adventures!
We would love to see your Spring inspired arts and crafts. Please share and tag us on Instagram and Facebook using the hashtag #rainbowtreebox or email us. We would love to hear from you!